Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May the 4th be with you.

Say the title slowly...

Today is National Star Wars day!

For as long as I can remember, I have loved Star Wars. The action, the characters, the story!

Lucky me, my parents put up with my fascination with Star Wars (it runs in the family). They even bought me two lightsabers!

(Hey look Wanda! I'm wearing the weird shaped shirt.)
And, of course, action figures.

I like this one. Don't ask me why. Even though I always lose his head.

His hand is even missing! They make them so realistic.

And that is all I have to say.

May the force be with you.


The Mursets said...

Every day is National Star Wars day here with Nathan around!


The Yoder's Five said...

Why does Lando look green?!? Looks like he has the stomach flu or something. I didn't realize you had all those action figures. Do you still have my Luke Skywalker pillowcase? I want it back.

Wanda said...

Star Wars really is the BOM!!!
I LIKE (no wait) LOVE the shirt!!!!
Did you change it? Or did waring your jacket fix it?