Friday, May 21, 2010

I'm sunburned.

Today was my ninth grade swim party. We walked to the city pool and jumped right in! It was hard to swim around because there was a ton of people in there. It was also very hot. I got sunburned... dangit, I was hoping for a tan. Maybe my sunburn will turn into a tan.

Anyway, I made sure that I took pictures. So here they are!

Walking to the pool...

My friend Veronica and I after we got out of the crowded pool. When my hair dried, it went POOF!

The guys wanted to show off their macho-ness. So they played tug-a-war with a towel.

Veronica, me, and Natasha

Then I walked home with my big red sunglasses on. People loved them.

Its always fun to leave in the middle of school and go somewhere to have fun. Makes me feel rebellious. I am so sunburned though. My elbows are sunburned, my knees are sunburned, my hip even feels sunburned. Even though my hip wasn't showing... Hope it doesn't affect my dancing.

Speaking of dancing, I have my end of the year ballet performance today and tomorrow. And... I just got home from my performance. I stopped in the middle of writing. It went pretty well! I guess the ballet costumes I was complaining about actually look good onstage! I messed up really bad on that dance, I wasn't warmed up. I don't think anyone noticed though.

My Broadway dance; Put on a Happy Face, turned out really good! We all did well on it and our costumes are awesome.

And thats all folks!

1 comment:

The Yoder's Five said...

Ooowch. Slather on some aloe and put on sunscreen next time! I hate performing when you don't feel warmed up. Which ALWAYS happened to me. Madelyn and I are excited to come see you tonight.