Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Polina Seminova!!!

It rained a little last night. I didn’t know it until my dad opened the back door and the fresh scent of rain flowed into the room. It made me instantly happy! I quickly ran into my room, opened my window, turned off the fan, and let that wonderful scent fill my room. Then I turned on some classical music, and danced.

I wish my room had wood floors, then I would have put on my pointe shoes and practiced.

Dancing and the smell of rain blend so well together, it amazes me. Even though my room was getting humid and hot, it almost felt like I was in a dance studio. Mmmm... I love dancing. One of my all time dreams (I have a lot of them), is to dance in the rain. Not just twirl around, but actually have a costume and choreography. I’m sure it would be hard, but it would be awesome!

I’m sure I have explained my view on dancing to you before, but I’ll do it again.

Dance is; grace, discipline, strength, flow, beat, beauty, balance. You have control over your body, and if you hold yourself just right, you will dance beautifully. For me, I have my good days and my bad days. One day I will be messing up on every combination that we do, the next I will be hitting every beat just perfectly. I love it when my teacher choreographs a beautiful, flowing dance where there are a lot of difficult steps and you have to really concentrate.

When I dance, I’m in my own little world. I am not very good at remembering combinations, so I always mess up. One time, we were taking a break and my teacher had some music playing. I knew the song and at the moment when the music swelled, I threw myself into a made up dance that included every difficult step I could think of. Surprisingly, I did them all perfectly and ended it when a little curtsy. I had been so in tune with what I was doing, that I didn’t know that everyone was watching me. I became embarrassed and quickly went back into my shy little self. My teacher was standing there with wide eyes and said: Well now how come you don’t dance like that all the time?

I guess I hold back, which frustrates me. I have been shy all my life and only just now am I beginning to come out of my shell. I still can’t give dancing my all just yet. I think this year will be the year where I really come out. I’m excited and scared at the same time.

Dance is AWESOME.

I think if I could, I would watch this video ALL DAY!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

La dee dah-ing.

This is just one of those posts.

Well… I just had the sudden urge to do a post. You ever get those urges? I need to write, I need to write! That’s how I feel. So, I write. I don’t know exactly what I am going to write about yet. Let me think…

Peanuts. I have a love-hate relationship with them. I found out I was allergic to them when I was about four or five. I've haven’t eaten peanut butter since. That doesn’t really matter because I never liked peanut butter in the first place. I used to eat salted peanuts, but now? Blech. No thanks. But then again, I love Reeses Buttercups. What can I say? They are delicious and addicting.

I can tell who is at the computer from another room. No, there is not a little peek hole looking into the office. I can tell by their typing. Both my parents learned to type on a typewriter. You have to bang on the keys to get any type of result from the typewriter it seems. My dad types like this: CLACK CLACK BANG CLACK BANG BANG CLACK. My mom types like this: Clack clack clack…..clack..clack clack….clack. Apparently she grew out of the banging. And another thing, I can also tell if my dad is eating chips in the living room from inside my room with my door closed. He is a pretty loud chomper.

Just a little peek into my past, I used to be a MAJOR tomboy. MAJOR, I’m telling ya. Everyday I would wear: sports pants, a t-shirt, tennis shoes with socks that hit an inch above my ankles, and my white CTR bracelet. I also never let my hair out of a ponytail. I had straight across bangs and they were always in my face. Now that I have established that I was a major tomboy, onto my point (which took me a minute to remember what I was going to talk about). I used to be VERY self conscious of my feet. That’s a weird thing to be self conscious about, right? Well I was. I think once I got into second or first grade, my family didn’t see my feet again until 7th grade. I was so self conscious about them that I even wore socks into the baptismal font. Every time I would go swimming, my family would yell: HEY LOOK! IT’S MEGAN’S FEET! I just had to tell you about that.

When I went into 6th grade, I decided that I needed to grow out of my boy clothes and start looking more girly. I got rid of almost every piece of boy clothing I had, got a new sparkly wardrobe and painted my room a bright yellow. I even had green and pink curtains. WORST THING I EVER DID. Not only did my room color annoy me and keep me from sleeping well, I also felt very uncomfortable in my new wardrobe. I’m not a big fan of sparkles or pink. Which is basically what all the clothes were. I also let myself be introduced to JEANS. I had never liked them. But, I decided to try them. BEST DECISION CONCERNING WARDROBE. I now love them and wear them all the time.

Well, long story short, I switched rooms, I got swoop bangs and layers, and I still had my new found girly awkwardness until about 8th grade. I think just this year is when I decided that girly is not the path for me. Don’t get me wrong, I love to dress up on Sundays, but all throughout the summer, I haven’t worn one girly piece of clothing during the weekdays. I think simple things are more my style instead of shirts that have hearts and cherries on them. I also went back to straight across bangs. I find that I like them better and they are more me. WOO! I have discovered my fashion ways!

I have always wanted to learn the art of swordplay and archery. It’s been a dream of mine for ages. But for now I will just have to rely on the art of ducking. But will I ever get in a fight where it involves swords or bows and arrows? I doubt it, but you never know, the world is a strange place.

I also want to learn how to weave beads into things.

HOW ON EARTH did people way-back-when keep their hair so perfect? It must have taken hours! Just sayin’.

And that’s all I have to say for now.

Rock on.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Granule Void.


In other words, Sand Hollow.

I'm not saying I don't like Sand Hollow, I just needed a more creative name for this post. Hence, Granule Void.

My Aunt Nanette, her daughter Dana, and her two kids came for a visit while traveling to California. We thought we would have some fun while they were there, so we went to Sand Hollow! This was the first time we have taken our boat to Sand Hollow. We usually go to Quail Lake. But Quail doesn't have any good beaches, and Sand Hollow does. So... Sand Hollow is where we went.

I've only been there a few times, but it was really fun!

We stayed around this little "oasis". It was so cool! The water was just right and there were even little fish swimming around us!

Since we had the boat, of course we had to go tubing! I didn't get on the tube, I've never liked tubing. But I won't talk about that.

Nathan. He was being stubborn and wouldn't get on the tube. But he still had fun!

Madelyn had a BLAST!


Ava. I think this is a hilarious picture.

Mark and Dana

My dad even let Nathan drive! He also let Dana's son Jordan drive. They had a lot of fun!

Random picture of me.

Mark and Monica took the kids for a ride.

Then Mark went by himself. It was crazy! This picture was taken right as he was about to fall off.

Hi Ty.

Playing on the beach...

Ignore my white legs.

After we were at the beach for awhile, Mark and I walked over to the cliffs. We decided not to take our shoes (TAKE YOUR SHOES). Our feet got BURNED. I was hobbling like a old person the rest of the day.

I don't know if you can see the redness. Lemme tell ya, it hurt. We jumped off the cliff three times. It was fun and scary at the same time. I would have to sit there for awhile before I could get the nerve to do it again.

We decided to swim back. I didn't see a rock and whacked my shin on it. It hurt pretty bad, but it's better now.

LUKE! Dang he's cute.

Nathan and Madelyn were having a blast swimming around.

Aunt Nanette and Kate



Our truck had some pretty big mirrors. And thus, this picture was born.


1 in 14,000 things to be happy about.

Rereading old letters, magazines, and books

Some of the books I always reread are: Ella Enchanted, The Wild Mage series, The Twilight series (yeah, I read 'em), The Miracle of Forgetness, Trust in Thelma's Way, and many many more. Good books, good books.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Sometimes I just like to be alone with my thoughts. I'm not really what you would call a people person. Today I looked outside my window and thought: Wow! What a beautiful day! Pay in mind it was still a hundred degrees outside, but it looked pretty! So I walked outside and wandered around my neighbors' yards, taking pictures of flowers. Turns out, during the summer there aren't very many flowers. It's too hot for them in Hurricane. But there were a few pretty ones.

I wandered around for about an hour, just walking around the neighborhood. Sure, I was hot and sweaty afterwards, but it was peaceful and quiet. I like to think, I'm a thinker. I like to go into deep thought. When I do that, I usually close myself up in my room, lay on my bed, and listen to classical music.

I don't really know why I am telling you this... I guess it is just to explain why I am so distant sometimes. Thinking... I like it. I also like to be alone. I guess deep thought and being alone sort of tie in together.

Deep... thought... is coming onto me....

Good day fellow thinkers.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


This is my... ONE HUNDREDTH post. (Hundredth is such a strange word.)

I was going to do a post like four days ago, but I realized that it was my ONE HUNDREDTH post, so I had to think about what I was going to post about. Well, I don't have anything really exciting to post about. So... I have decided to tell you about the things I absolutely LOVE.

I know, I'm sure you will LOVE hearing about the things that I LOVE. Ah, I'll tell you anyway.

Since I don't have a husband yet, I can't tell you how he is the thing that I love most in the world. Ha, I will wait for that one. SO, here is the first thing:

Dance. I LOVE to dance. Dance, dance, dance. I love it. The flow, the steps, the rhythm... So basically, it's a part of me.

Music. You can't have dance without music, so therefore, I love it. I listen to it everyday, almost every minute! I usually listen to classical music, unless I'm in a pop/rock sort of mood. It depends. I like rocking out to it, but only when I'm alone.

WATER. Fresh, clear, lovely.

Photography. I love capturing moments, nature, and sometimes pictures of water bottles. It's fun!

Sewing. I love it. Sometimes it frustrates me REALLY bad, but it's fun.

(Yes, that is all MINE. Mwahahaha.)

FABRIC. Fabric. Is. Heavenly. I LOVE it. There is this little quilt shop near my house, it is like a candy store to me. You walk in and go, ah... lovely. I want more, more, MORE. I know, that sounds greedy. I crave it even more than shoes. Isn't that amazing?

Buttons. They are cute and quirky. I love 'em, although they are a pain to sew onto things.

Since we are on the subject of sewing stuff, I would like to add that I love tape measures. I like to hang them around my neck, put on a black dress, maybe even put my hair up in a tight bun. Then I go with pursed lips and say, "Ah yes darling. Lovely, just lovely. Is that polyester?! Get that out of my sight! Darling."

Shoes. I'm kinda obsessed with them. Oh don't worry, I don't spend a lot on them. I get them all from Ross or TJ Maxx. Sadly, I don't know how to do links, so you will just have to find my shoe post on your own. The post is called: Footwear.

Oh, and by the way, I have two more pairs to add to my collection.

(I look like I'm on the verge of tears. Don't worry, I'm not)

Mirrors. I know it may sound vain, but I love mirrors. Not to look in them though. I use them to reflect the light in my room. I have... 3 mirrors on my walls. It gives my room a wonderful fresh glow in the morning.

Being random. Ha, it's so much fun.

Fruit. I once ate 500 cherries in about two days. Needless to say, I got sick. But oh, were they delicious! Juicy and delicious is what fruit is. Except grapefruit, yuck. My mom used to make me take grape fruit seed extract. That was the bitterest, grossest, vilest stuff on the face of this planet. And she wouldn't let me wash my mouth out with soap afterwards to get the taste out of my mouth. Anyway, I love fruit, just not grapefruit.

Flowers. I love them, I take pictures of them, I smell them.

Being geeky. My cousin Brett classified a geek as: Basically a nerd, but doesn't get very good grades. Yup, that's me. So therefore, I am a geek. I watch Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Avatar: The Last Airbender, etc. I own two lightsabers, and I still want a Jedi cloak. I took a quiz to see what Lord of the Rings character I am most like. I got Gollum. Conniving, talks to oneself, and many other things were listed.

Avatar: The Last Airbender. This is one of my newest loves. I have talked about it a lot lately. Every time I think of it I sing hallelujahs in my head. I'm singing them right now. AANG!

Reading. I LOVE to read. I'm a bookworm through and through. And that's that.

There are so many other things that I love. Family, friends, the gosple. I could go on and on. But don't worry, I won't. If I did, you would be up ALL NIGHT.

Now I am done. Happy ONE HUNDREDTH post!

P.S. My mom just handed me some juice that she made. Guess what it contains. GRAPEFRUIT. What a coincidence. It also has orange and lime in it. WOW, it's strong.