Sunday, December 26, 2010


Abbey Road

The famous picture of The Beatles on what I am assuming, is Abbey Road.

It's quite a likeness. Except mine is not a wonderful quality and we are all looking at the camera... and we are all girls.

I just thought I would share that with you.

And guess what I have for you. Yup, you guessed it. MY LATEST CREATIONS.

I gave this one to my sister for Christmas. I must admit, it didn't turn out the way I thought it would. Meaning it shrunk like two sizes smaller in the kiln, but that's okay!

Another mug! Mugs are not my speciality, but we had to make three of them, so...  here's another mug. I had to wait FOREVER to get this one back. My teacher was having trouble with the temperature in his kilns, but I eventually got it back. Which reminds me, I still have something that I'm waiting for. I'll have to get it when I get back to school.

Christmas was wonderful! I got stuff, I stuffed myself with stuff, and everyone got stuff. I shouldn't have had all that sugar, I'm feeling a little sick. But that's okay! I'm going to California tomorrow with my family and best friend. She's never seen the beach, and she was born in California! That's weird. Anyway, we're going to have a blast.

Happy Boxing Day.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas! Tomorrow.

It will be Christmas in... 10 hours and 19 minutes.

I don't really have anything to say except... have fun and eat lots of food. Oh yeah, and remember the true meaning of Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Eve Eve

Yeah, guys. It's okay to be smart.... and to have a messy countertop.

Today we had the Murset's over. Meaning Tyler and Monica's family. We had a lot of fun playing games and such.

 Nathan even beat Grandma (What do I call her? My mom, grandma, grammy, grandmother, mother... whatever) at Brain Quest!

Meanwhile, Grandpa (Dad, father, grandfather, grandpappy) did some ballet moves in the kitchen/living room area.

I just stood around taking pictures, getting my hair cut, wrapping presents, playing I Spy... I just realized that I need to iron these jeans.

We got our Christmas tree up two weeks ago. The lights are on a white string, not a green one, so they kind of stand out. That's okay though. We had to move the presents into another room so the kids wouldn't start ripping them open.

Today was a pretty good Christmas Eve Eve. Now I'm just waiting for Veronica to get over here. It seems like it's taken her 50 years just to wrap presents. *SIGH* Oh yeah, and I'm doing laundry.

I made your bags yesterday, Meliss. I made sure that yours is PERFECT. It even has a bigger pocket than the other ones (but maybe that's because the bag IS bigger than the others). Anyway, I'm jealous of that fabric. Good choice! At least I have some scraps!

The Nutcracker is OVER. That's such a relief! I'm looking forward to next year though.

I really like that picture.

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Oui. I would like some more fudge and candy canes. Oui, and some molasses candy with nuts. Ah, oui. J'aime Christmas treats.

And that is what I think about when I am sitting around waiting to get ready for Nutcracker.

The Nutcracker is going well. Last night almost every seat in the theater was full! And lemme tell you, there are A LOT of seats. I have never seen it that full! So that was quite an accomplishment. Tonight is our last performance! That makes me sad, this Nutcracker (in my opinion) has been our best one yet! It was a really good year and for some of my friends it is their last time doing it! I'm going to miss them a lot.

Meanwhile, I have been making my best friend's Christmas present. I don't have to worry about her looking at this because her computer is broken. Unless she lied to me about not being able to get it fixed... oh well.  This present turned out about 2 times bigger then I thought it would. It never tells you what the finishing size is going to be in my book of bags, but it's still pretty cool.

Yup, I made that all by myself. It's probably my best bag yet! It only took me about an hour, which is pretty awesome. My dad concluded that you could probably fit about four watermelons in this bag.

 I was going to put the shirt and hat that I got her inside the bag, but I decided that the bag would probably swallow them up, so I just stacked them on top of each other.

Then I put it into this box with this label. I wrapped it in some festive paper afterwards.

You like? I sure do.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


(All the dances in the Land of Sweet are classified as, well, sweets! Arabian is Coffee.)

 Well people. I have already done three performances. I have already gotten lots of praise for my dancing in Arabian, so I'm going to show you some Arabian pictures. I'll show you the rest of the dances later. I'm just so proud of Arabian!

The Nutcracker Prince and Clara watching us.

This costume (besides the Snow costume) is my favorite. I don't like that it shows my stomach, but I absolutely LOVE the foot bangle and the arm bangles. I love the velvet skirt. But my favorite is the foot bangle.

This is my favorite picture of this dance. Even though it's kind of blurry, I just think it catches the alluring sense of this dance. My teacher says it's our goal to lure in the audience. I think we did that quite well :) Don't believe me? COME WATCH IT. It's awesome.

Amber (my teacher that taught me this dance) said that we are supposed to change the whole mood of the ballet with this number. It goes from a sassy Spanish dance to a light Chinese dance. Then, all of the sudden, the lights dim, and two curtains come out. They eventually reveal the three Arabians in their amazing clothes and gold shoes. The Arabians stare at the audience with their huge eyes and lure the people into becoming entranced with the slow music and dancing.


Thursday, December 16, 2010


So... I'm in kind of a weird mood today. Hence the flaming background. I thought I would mix my life up a bit and change my blog background. Heck, I even ate a peppermint candy cane (I never eat those. Gross.)

And... just for fun,

an update on my life.

I still don't wear makeup. Psh, who needs makeup?

I got a little card saying that my math teacher really appreciates me helping out my fellow classmates with the hard problems. I get to turn it into a raffle and win something!

I am currently a math whiz. Goodness, I love geometry.

I am growing my hair out.

I got a new pair of jeans. FINALLY.

I have a really awesome April Fools prank.

I was one of the few in my grade that got offered a $2,000 scholarship for Math, Science, and Business. Too bad I'm not planning to go into any of those fields!

I am currently trying to choreograph a dance to Clair de Lune. It's a really hard song to dance to.

I have nothing else to say.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Stump the teacher.

My ceramics teacher allows us to challenge him to make ANYTHING on the wheel. This little game is called Stump the Teacher.  We challenged him to make a 25 pound bowl.

He has yet to be stumped.


I only have an hour and a half of freedom left in the day. Then I have to go to Nutcracker. *Sigh* This whole Nutcracker EVERYDAY OF THE WEEK thing is getting a little old. Plus, the professional dancers finally got here. It is so nerve wracking when they sit there and watch you.

I can just imagine them thinking: Oh my goodness, look at her terrible tour jetes. Gosh, she needs to work on her body lines. OH, terrible turnout.

When I think of them thinking that, that's the point when I want to dash out of the theater and take up modern dancing, where it seems like there are no rules about how you're supposed to move.

Don't worry, after next week you will never hear about Nutcracker again until next year. Aren't you happy?!


P.S. I wrote a poem in spanish about the apocalypse. It isn't as totally random as it sounds. It was an assignment in my Spanish class, and I just happened to pick the apocalypse as my subject.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


The Nutcracker

We took our pictures yesterday. It was time consuming, but (I'm assuming) it was worth it.  I caked on the makeup and put on the fake eyelashes. I look like Snow White when I put that makeup on. I'M SO PALE. Ugh, that's frustrating. I need a tan. Especially considering my Arabian costume.

So... many... costumes... so... many... people...

There was a lot of posing and perfecting... and standing around.

Me, Megan B., Sheila, Sarah, and Amber.

You see what I'm saying about looking like Snow White? I am so pale compared to my fellow Arabians! It's mostly the red lipstick. Take that off, and I look completely normal. Except for the super long eyelashes.

 This is how this picture went: 1, 2, 3, and JUMP! Another one, your foot was at a weird angle. 1, 2, 3, and JUMP! Another one, Megan. Your arms need to be more spread apart. 1, 2, 3, and JUMP!  Oh sorry, your front leg needs to be in a front attitude.  1, 2, 3, and JUMP! Perfect! Oh wait, your hand looks weird. Oh well, it's a gorgeous picture.

See what I meant about time consuming?

I like this costume the best. Not only does it make my Snow White look seem natural and not so intense, it is also very pretty. I don't have a better picture of it though. I also like the tiara. It's my favorite. Let me just rephrase this whole thing. This whole costume is my favorite costume in the Nutcracker.

This is me waiting around for my dad to finish taking pictures. Without the lipstick I look normal. I think I'm just going to stick with my normal natural look. It's so much easier and less distracting.

Anyway, Vanessa Hudgen's Neutrogena commercial is really cheesy.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Since 4th grade...

 I have been an Auntie since 4th grade! And now in 10th grade I get to introduce a new niece!

Emery Nielson
(I don't think she has a middle name. Just like me!)

Gosh, I just want to take her home with me!

When I first saw her, I thought: SHE IS THE PRETTIEST BABY I HAVE EVER SEEN. Seriously, she has a head full of dark hair and a beautiful little face. Although the first thing I noticed was her lips. I don't know why that's what my eyes where drawn to. Maybe it's because I recognized them, although I can't figure out which parent they came from. Nevertheless, she's beautiful!

Congratulations Maria and Shay! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU. AAAAH! Seriously, you have to let me babysit for you sometime.

The proud new grandparents. This is the Nielson's first grandbaby!

And the proud new Aunties. Me for the 6th time, Josie for the first!

I sure do love babies.

You know what I think? Babies are such a sweet and nice way to start people :)

"A new baby is like the beginning of all things, 

hope, a dream of possibilities."


Thursday, December 2, 2010


I cannot, for the life of me, think of a cool post title. 



Oh warm weather, where art thou?

I miss flowers. I LOVE flowers.

I should probably lay off the Strawberry Cheesecake Shakes from Dairy Queen for awhile. I'm still not fully over my lactose intolerance. Although I had my first carton of chocolate milk since January yesterday. It was a momentous occasion.

So, today in pointe class, my teacher taught me the Sugar Plum Fairy dance. I say "me" because there was only two of us there and the other girl already knew the dance. It is so hard! Probably because she taught it to me in like five minutes, which is most defiantly not enough time to learn choreography like that.

My seminary teacher told us that we should put a little humor into our spiritual lives and not be so serious all the time.



Sunday, November 28, 2010


It snowed today. Which, by the way, is very strange.

We usually don't get snow until February or March. WEIRD. I'm not a big fan of being cold. I like snow, I just don't like the cold. So I watch the snow fall from the warmth of my house.

IT'S SO COLD. Well, in my terms it's cold. I even had to get out my mukluks.

Mmm... warmth.

I feel another dessert making coming on.

BUT. Before that, I must say:


Merlin is more mature, the plot thickens, and things become even more awesome. The only thing is, the next season won't come back until NEXT SEPTEMBER. That's what happened last year. I had to wait a painful almost 10 months. It's agony I tell you. But, I will wait patiently.

I am on book 9 of my 11 book series. Well, I just finished book 9, I am awaiting book 10. THEY ARE SO GOOD.

I am craving chocolate. Really bad.

May the force be with you.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I am thankful.

I am thankful for...

My family


Jesus Christ





My faith


Cinnamon rolls


School Spirit







Chills caused by beautiful things

Love songs




Happy Thanksgiving!