Saturday, January 1, 2011

I'm an LA Girl, yo.

I just spent 4 days in California. It was fun, apart from the 7 hour drive and the Little Einstein's movie playing over and over again. But that's okay, it was cute hearing Hattie sing the theme song. Anyway,


My dad took this from on top of Griffith Observatory. I love that place! Too bad it's closed on Monday, which happened to be the day we went there. The outside of the observatory is still awesome though.

I think this is a statue of famous scientists. Isaac Newton, Galileo... I don't remember the other ones.

Then we went to the Los Angeles Zoo! It was so gorgeous and awesome! We all had a blast.

We went to the Exposition Center to go look at all the Science stuff. I wish it would have had more hands on stuff, but it was way awesome.

Hattie in the Hurricane Stimulator.

They had a way awesome aquarium in the ecosystem section. Veronica and I were like little kids, running around looking at all the fish. It was so cool! But, the aquarium in Albuquerque is way cooler.

This was in the River section. You would blow air on it to see currents on the "river". It was so pretty.

Outside the Exposition Center. I don't know what Veronica's looking at, but it must be cool.

Then we went to the Celebrity Walk of Fame. I have never been so scared of being robbed, kidnapped, or mugged in my life. But after I locked arms with Veronica and my dad, I felt alright. It was way cool to be able to see all those things. Especially....... FRED ASTAIRE'S HANDPRINTS, FOOTPRINTS, AND SIGNATURE!

He is my idol.

Isn't that great?! Clever.

Then we got roped into taking a picture with Elmo. It was kind of weird, I don't know what is with the necklaces. I would have rather had a picture with Darth Vader or Zorro.

Then we went to a HUGE mall right on the Celebrity Walk. HUGE.

Luggage Salesman: Have you thought much about luggage, Mr. Banks? 
Joe Banks: No. 

Luggage Salesman: It's the central preoccupation of my life. 

We saw this in some expensive bag store. We were all instantly drawn to it, quoting Joe Versus the Volcano.

I am going to be so sad when Jackie Chan dies. May he live in awesomeness.



You better have a good one! Or else.  HA! Just kidding. Have a happy New Year!

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