Friday, May 6, 2011

The Tulip Festival.

Ah. The Tulip Festival. I LOVED IT. So many flowers!

I keep on forgetting to put these pictures up, my dad started bugging me to do it, so here I am! Finally doing it!

Here ya go.

Ever wonder what I look like when I'm taking pictures? Normally I'm even more hunched over, trying to get as close to the flower as I can.

This place was huge! My dad and I were there for 3 hours. Flowers galore!

They even had a huge waterfall! This place is full of wonderful things!

I am definitely going to that again!

I hope you enjoyed the pictures! I sure enjoyed taking them :)


Wanda said...

That was BEAUTIFUL!!!

The Yoder's Five said...

Prreeetttyyy! You should get married up north, just so you could have your reception there. It looks like what I imagine Holland looks like in the spring. Sigh!

Anne said...

yeah gorgeoussssss