Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Unforgettable moments.

I am doing this post because I have nothing to post about.

I was looking through our thousands of pictures a minute ago and realized that I am a very weird and strange girl. I don't know how I thought of this, but I decided to write about unforgettable times in my life. Of course I didn't look through every one of the pictures on the computer. So I just got a few.

I was going to do a post on entirely useless pictures, but I decided not to.


The day when I realized... I have way too many bags.

When I ate almost 500 cherries. I got horribly sick afterwards, but oh, those were good cherries.

I survived my 2nd year of Girls Camp. I think it was pretty horrible for everyone. The first day it started raining causing water to leak into our tents. My fellow tent mates and I spent an hour out in the pouring rain trying to fix our tent. The result of being soaked to the bone sent one of our girls home sick. On top of that, our wonderful porta-potties (we were spared the use of latrines) tipped over. Ew. And even worse, that night we moved the tent that leaked the most under a huge tarp to prevent water from seeping in. Little did we know that a storm was brewing. My whole tent stayed up until FIVE in the morning. Not because we were giggling and telling stories, but because the Laurels in the other tent kept us up till one, and then the storm kept us up even later.

Let me go into detail of this story.

I was sleeping in the Beehive tent. All my good friends were in there and we were having a good time. We eventually got tired and decided to go to sleep. But the Laurels had other plans. They stayed up until one laughing and talking, all the while keeping us awake. After they finally went to sleep, one of the Beehives starts singing camp songs at the top of her lungs. Which is very unusual for her. She would not let us go to sleep. Then the wind started picking up. Some of the girls had to go to the bathroom so they went, and as soon as they got back, the storm started raging. They had to go to the bathroom again, so we dug around and found our flashlights. We flicked them on only to find that our tent had collapsed on top of us and was hanging only a few inches from our noses. We started to panic. Then, the wind started picking up. It lifted us off the ground and then slammed us back down. It was awful. We started yelling and screaming for the leaders. I think we went on like this for about an hour until one of the Laurels heard us and came and rescued us. Turns out that while the wind had been lifting up our tent, it had also been lifting up the tarp that we were under. One of the poles came ripping into our tent and stuck into the ground only a few inches from our feet. All of us crammed into the Laurels tent and slipped into a blissful sleep. Below are pictures of what our camp looked like in the morning.

Our tent.

The tarp we were under.

I don't think I will ever forget it. Brr... I just hate thinking about it.

Going tubing for the first time. It was fun at the time, but I don't think I will ever do it again.

Almost jumping off the roof. I was about to do it when my sister found me and yelled at me to get off.

First day of 9th grade. Blech.

I survived Nutcracker.

I colored every single one of those plain white lights on our Christmas tree. It made it much more colorful and happy.

I found the perfect strawberry.

I would write more, but it is late. Goodnight!


The Yoder's Five said...

Ooooh Girl's Camp. There's always one sort of catastrophe or another.

You're not going tubing again but you want to go bungee jumping????!!! Girl, you need to get your priorities straight!

Carolina mama said...

i really love your strawberry photo. You want to go bungee jumping??