My friend Wanda, her sister and I went to a salon and got manicures. I'm not one for those kind of things but I thought I would give it a try. I don't really like nail polish on my fingernails. I think it looks weird. I'm still trying to get used to it. We had a lot of fun!


My fingernail polish even matched the upholstery in Wanda's van!

We were so scared to touch anything that might ruin the polish.

We then went to Ross and tried on ridiculous shoes.

Then we went to Arby's and had a good meal.

I introduced Wanda to mozzarella sticks. She loved them.

They are my favorite food (should I say food? I'll say junk food) in the world. I couldn't resist having some. Don't worry, when I got home I took my dairy digest.

Happy day, I finally got a good picture of myself.

I hate being sick. I have a bad cough and a stuffy nose. I am happy that its a cough that makes that mucusy noise (I know, weird. But its better than dry coughs that don't do anything). I have also been sneezing constantly.
And that is what I have to say for the day (Ha. That rhymed.)
Madelyn made me buy some mozzarella sticks for her to heat up at home. It's all she's been talking about for days.
I think your nails look cute with polish!
Those are really good pictures of you. I am glad that you and Wanda had fun.
that was a fun time. Ya all my fingernail polish is gone on one hand lol.
And don't you know that being sick is not good for you!!!!
you should stop doing that :) NOW!!!
Hope you get feeling better!!!
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