Lets try a new font shall we? GOSH! I'm freezing, lemme go get a blanket... ah, much better. I am now set. I've not my portable heater, my warm and comfy pajamas, and a cup of peach flavored kefir in my hand.
Now, to my ramblings.
Actually, I don't have anything to ramble on about. I wrote the post title before I knew what I was going to write about. Hm... I will just start writing. Thats what rambling is right?
Definition of rambling just for my sake:
To talk or write in a discursive, aimless way.
The other night I was reading some of my favorite books. One of the Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites books. It was late and I was tired. And everyone knows that when you are tired, everything seems funny.
Well, I was reading this one part (you will have to have read the books to know what I am talking about) and Harry had just found out that the apostle Luke hadn't written anything about Jesus and whatnot. He was so astonished that he wanted to say the line from Star Wars: "Luke, it is your destiny!"
I started laughing so hard. I laughed until tears were streaming down my cheeks. When I finally calmed down, I looked at the page again and burst into another fit of laughter. I would calm down then go into a fit of hysterical laughter over and over. This went on for literally 15 minutes. I finally had to skip that whole page so I wouldn't have to look at it again.
I have an obsession with baskets. Whenever I go into a craft store, I am instantly drawn toward the baskets. Then to the silk flowers. Then to the craft paper.
My birthday is coming soon. Every year since I can remember I have had an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen. But not this year... Because I'm lactose intolerant! (<--notice emphasis)Lactose intolerant.
So I've been thinking. What if I have PIE?! I love pie. That would be absolutely fabulous. Its decided, I am going to have pie for my birthday.
I will continue my ramblings later. On to pictures...
My dad and I went to the Welfare Farm and took pictures of the blossoming trees. The pictures aren't in order and all of them aren't from the Welfare Farm, but who cares.
(the pink blossoms are from the Farm)

Whew! That wore me out.
OH! By the way, I was checking my settings for my blog and I noticed that the clock that shows what time I posted the posts was on Pacific time for Vancouver... Don't worry, I changed it to Mountain standard time. So for all you people who like to know exactly when I post my posts, the time is now right and you can stop hyperventilating.
I am now going to go finish those books that I am leaning on. Goodnight!
You may live in Vancouver someday, and the knowledge you've just gained might come in handy.
Mmmm what kind of pie are you having for your b-day?
I wish spring would come to Cedar City already. I'm tired of the snow and the cold!
lol I should reed that book:) sounds good :) what is your favorite craft store?
Uh... I would have to say JoAnne's because of all the WONDERFUL fabric they have there!
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