Sunday, December 19, 2010


(All the dances in the Land of Sweet are classified as, well, sweets! Arabian is Coffee.)

 Well people. I have already done three performances. I have already gotten lots of praise for my dancing in Arabian, so I'm going to show you some Arabian pictures. I'll show you the rest of the dances later. I'm just so proud of Arabian!

The Nutcracker Prince and Clara watching us.

This costume (besides the Snow costume) is my favorite. I don't like that it shows my stomach, but I absolutely LOVE the foot bangle and the arm bangles. I love the velvet skirt. But my favorite is the foot bangle.

This is my favorite picture of this dance. Even though it's kind of blurry, I just think it catches the alluring sense of this dance. My teacher says it's our goal to lure in the audience. I think we did that quite well :) Don't believe me? COME WATCH IT. It's awesome.

Amber (my teacher that taught me this dance) said that we are supposed to change the whole mood of the ballet with this number. It goes from a sassy Spanish dance to a light Chinese dance. Then, all of the sudden, the lights dim, and two curtains come out. They eventually reveal the three Arabians in their amazing clothes and gold shoes. The Arabians stare at the audience with their huge eyes and lure the people into becoming entranced with the slow music and dancing.



The Yoder's Five said...

WOO Meg! You were awesome in this dance!

Wanda said...

You did AWESOME!!!
In the Arabian you were the best by far!!!!
And in the flower one (when the play was over) we were in the halls trying to be beautiful and graceful as you were :) We failed :)
And in the snow one you were so graceful and light like a little snow flake. *sigh*
it was wonderful to be there!!! and good luck with the other performances :)

Project Maniac said...

I think that I must agree with you that the Arabian is the coolest dance. It is very alluring, which is not Arabic at all, kind of ironic, oh well. You did a good job, and it was fun to watch you.