Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Stump the teacher.

My ceramics teacher allows us to challenge him to make ANYTHING on the wheel. This little game is called Stump the Teacher.  We challenged him to make a 25 pound bowl.

He has yet to be stumped.


I only have an hour and a half of freedom left in the day. Then I have to go to Nutcracker. *Sigh* This whole Nutcracker EVERYDAY OF THE WEEK thing is getting a little old. Plus, the professional dancers finally got here. It is so nerve wracking when they sit there and watch you.

I can just imagine them thinking: Oh my goodness, look at her terrible tour jetes. Gosh, she needs to work on her body lines. OH, terrible turnout.

When I think of them thinking that, that's the point when I want to dash out of the theater and take up modern dancing, where it seems like there are no rules about how you're supposed to move.

Don't worry, after next week you will never hear about Nutcracker again until next year. Aren't you happy?!


P.S. I wrote a poem in spanish about the apocalypse. It isn't as totally random as it sounds. It was an assignment in my Spanish class, and I just happened to pick the apocalypse as my subject.

1 comment:

The Yoder's Five said...

Well, I am excited to see you and all the other dancers tomorrow night! And trust me--you're a great dancer.