The picture above is why my arms where stained blue and why I was up so late. I went to go see the premiere of The Last Airbender. Blah, I didn't go to bed until the sun was already coming up.
My friend and I decided to draw Aang's arrows on our arms. It was very hard to wash off, but I felt very cool.

(My dad told me to do an Airbending move. I don't know if this is one, I just made it up.)
Well... the movie was.... okay. The acting was... okay. It was actually pretty good considering they left out A LOT of important stuff. Aang's fighting skills were pretty amazing. I guess you have to have watched Book One of Avatar to know what was going on.
I don't think M. Night Shyamalan was the best director for the movie. HE BETTER GET TOPH RIGHT. Man, Toph is going to be hard to cast. THEY BETTER GET HER RIGHT. If they don't, the whole trilogy will be a flop.
Enough ranting about that. Onto my family reunion.
We left the day I went to see The Last Airbender. My dad came and saw it with me, so he was equally tired. So, to help him stay awake, I told him about each season of Avatar along the way. I didn't leave out any detail. And I timed my story telling just right, I finished just as we arrived at Kevin and his families house.
We stopped at Bryce Canyon along the way and looked at the amazing Hoodoo (the tall rocks sticking out of the ground).
Random tree.
We stopped on the side of the road and walked around in the forest.
We tipped over a tree.
And found some pretty crazy shapes on the wood.
Oh yeah, I'm buff.
Earthbending is one of my many skills.
Then we spent the night at Whispering Sands, the place my brother Kevin and his wife manage. It's out in the middle of nowhere, but it's still pretty nice!
Then we went and saw the Natural Bridges.
The bridge is right in the middle of the picture.
Another random plant.
The next day we went to Mesa Verde.
Isn't that AMAZING?!
You just wonder how they got up on those cliffs! They must have been pretty agile.
Then we FINALLY got to our destination. Beaver Creek Youth Camp. It was really nice.
This is where we slept. Hardest bed I have ever slept on.
It was really pretty where we were at. They even had a little river flowing nearby.
The next day we went and watched the fireworks at this little mining town called Creede. We were parked next to a water tower, sitting in the car trying to stay warm, when all of the sudden a bunch of people come clambering up the hill carrying a wine bottle. They climbed up the water tower and stayed there the whole time. Every time a firework would go off, one of the guys would go: WOOOOO! YEAH! WOOO! Every time a firework would go off. He did it because, 1. He was drunk, and 2. He liked hearing his echo. It was actually pretty funny. We were imitating him for the rest of the reunion.
Part of Creede. Farther down the road there were a bunch of cool little shops and a museum. I bought a shirt that states: "Bears love people, they taste like chicken." Haha, gotta love it.
Posing for a picture by the Rio Grande
Then we had our family talent show. My cute cousins, Ethan and Adam, sang Hey, Soul Sister. They were so good! I was just laughing the whole time because of the lyrics. My cousin Brett accompanied them.
After all the talents, Brett lead us in a repeat-after-me song type thing.
This is what we were saying:

Then all the Chatwin in-laws did a skit called: "You know you married a Chatwin, if..." It was pretty funny.
Then we went home! It was really fun and I can't wait till the next one!
Anyway, just for fun, I will recite the Avatar opening.
Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony
But then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked
Only the Avatar, master of all four elements could stop them
But when the world needed him most, he vanished.
A hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar, an Airbender named Aang
And although his Airbending skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone.
But I believe, Aang can save the world.
Madelyn can recite the whole Avatar opening by heart. She and you can be dorks together. j/k We were thinking of putting arrows on Luke for Halloween.
Looks like you had a fun trip! That's a whole lot of scenery!
Meg, you can save the world, too. Very nice post.
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