This is my... ONE HUNDREDTH post. (Hundredth is such a strange word.)
I was going to do a post like four days ago, but I realized that it was my ONE HUNDREDTH post, so I had to think about what I was going to post about. Well, I don't have anything really exciting to post about. So... I have decided to tell you about the things I absolutely LOVE.
I know, I'm sure you will LOVE hearing about the things that I LOVE. Ah, I'll tell you anyway.
Since I don't have a husband yet, I can't tell you how he is the thing that I love most in the world. Ha, I will wait for that one. SO, here is the first thing:

Dance. I LOVE to dance. Dance, dance, dance. I love it. The flow, the steps, the rhythm... So basically, it's a part of me.
Music. You can't have dance without music, so therefore, I love it. I listen to it everyday, almost every minute! I usually listen to classical music, unless I'm in a pop/rock sort of mood. It depends. I like rocking out to it, but only when I'm alone.
WATER. Fresh, clear, lovely.
Photography. I love capturing moments, nature, and sometimes pictures of water bottles. It's fun!
Sewing. I love it. Sometimes it frustrates me REALLY bad, but it's fun.
FABRIC. Fabric. Is. Heavenly. I LOVE it. There is this little quilt shop near my house, it is like a candy store to me. You walk in and go, ah... lovely. I want more, more, MORE. I know, that sounds greedy. I crave it even more than shoes. Isn't that amazing?
Buttons. They are cute and quirky. I love 'em, although they are a pain to sew onto things.
Since we are on the subject of sewing stuff, I would like to add that I love tape measures. I like to hang them around my neck, put on a black dress, maybe even put my hair up in a tight bun. Then I go with pursed lips and say, "Ah yes darling. Lovely, just lovely. Is that polyester?! Get that out of my sight! Darling."

Shoes. I'm kinda obsessed with them. Oh don't worry, I don't spend a lot on them. I get them all from Ross or TJ Maxx. Sadly, I don't know how to do links, so you will just have to find my shoe post on your own. The post is called: Footwear.
Oh, and by the way, I have two more pairs to add to my collection.
Mirrors. I know it may sound vain, but I love mirrors. Not to look in them though. I use them to reflect the light in my room. I have... 3 mirrors on my walls. It gives my room a wonderful fresh glow in the morning.
Being random. Ha, it's so much fun.
Fruit. I once ate 500 cherries in about two days. Needless to say, I got sick. But oh, were they delicious! Juicy and delicious is what fruit is. Except grapefruit, yuck. My mom used to make me take grape fruit seed extract. That was the bitterest, grossest, vilest stuff on the face of this planet. And she wouldn't let me wash my mouth out with soap afterwards to get the taste out of my mouth. Anyway, I love fruit, just not grapefruit.
Being geeky. My cousin Brett classified a geek as: Basically a nerd, but doesn't get very good grades. Yup, that's me. So therefore, I am a geek. I watch Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Avatar: The Last Airbender, etc. I own two lightsabers, and I still want a Jedi cloak. I took a quiz to see what Lord of the Rings character I am most like. I got Gollum. Conniving, talks to oneself, and many other things were listed.
Avatar: The Last Airbender. This is one of my newest loves. I have talked about it a lot lately. Every time I think of it I sing hallelujahs in my head. I'm singing them right now. AANG!
Reading. I LOVE to read. I'm a bookworm through and through. And that's that.
There are so many other things that I love. Family, friends, the gosple. I could go on and on. But don't worry, I won't. If I did, you would be up ALL NIGHT.
Now I am done. Happy ONE HUNDREDTH post!
P.S. My mom just handed me some juice that she made. Guess what it contains. GRAPEFRUIT. What a coincidence. It also has orange and lime in it. WOW, it's strong.
Great 100th post. It was great juice, too.
Gollum??!? Hahahahaa!! I am jealous of your fabric collection. You'll have to make us all something now that we know you have such a big stash.
What a way to celebrate your 100th post. I totally agree with the shoes, fruit, being random, and FABRIC!!! Love the fabric and I am very envious of yours. Great post!
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