It rained a little last night. I didn’t know it until my dad opened the back door and the fresh scent of rain flowed into the room. It made me instantly happy! I quickly ran into my room, opened my window, turned off the fan, and let that wonderful scent fill my room. Then I turned on some classical music, and danced.

I wish my room had wood floors, then I would have put on my pointe shoes and practiced.
Dancing and the smell of rain blend so well together, it amazes me. Even though my room was getting humid and hot, it almost felt like I was in a dance studio. Mmmm... I love dancing. One of my all time dreams (I have a lot of them), is to dance in the rain. Not just twirl around, but actually have a costume and choreography. I’m sure it would be hard, but it would be awesome!
I’m sure I have explained my view on dancing to you before, but I’ll do it again.
Dance is; grace, discipline, strength, flow, beat, beauty, balance. You have control over your body, and if you hold yourself just right, you will dance beautifully. For me, I have my good days and my bad days. One day I will be messing up on every combination that we do, the next I will be hitting every beat just perfectly. I love it when my teacher choreographs a beautiful, flowing dance where there are a lot of difficult steps and you have to really concentrate.
When I dance, I’m in my own little world. I am not very good at remembering combinations, so I always mess up. One time, we were taking a break and my teacher had some music playing. I knew the song and at the moment when the music swelled, I threw myself into a made up dance that included every difficult step I could think of. Surprisingly, I did them all perfectly and ended it when a little curtsy. I had been so in tune with what I was doing, that I didn’t know that everyone was watching me. I became embarrassed and quickly went back into my shy little self. My teacher was standing there with wide eyes and said: Well now how come you don’t dance like that all the time?
I guess I hold back, which frustrates me. I have been shy all my life and only just now am I beginning to come out of my shell. I still can’t give dancing my all just yet. I think this year will be the year where I really come out. I’m excited and scared at the same time.
Dance is AWESOME.
I think if I could, I would watch this video ALL DAY!