This picture is the very image of spring. Right?

I was woken up this morning by my mother bursting into my room, throwing back the curtains, and yelling: "Look how big those flakes are!"
Yes my friends, the dew looking droplets.... melted snow.
Sigh... I am getting sick of this unpredictable weather.
Wow! Looks like you got more snow then we did up here.
It looked like the angels in heaven were having a grand feather-pillow fight.
Or they were melted already cuz you don't get up til noon. Oh wait..That's Melissa. Haha, I'm so funny.
Hello there!
Thank you for becoming a follower of my blog :)
I browsed through a few of your blogs--very cute and well written!
I don't know if you've heard this before, but you kind of remind me of Anne Frank!
I once auditioned to be Anne Frank for a play. I didn't get the part because I didn't look Jewish. Thats okay! I'm like her on the inside :)
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