My friend Veronica and I went on a spontaneous bike ride. We were just going to go around a couple of blocks, but ended up at the park by the City Pool. It was the perfect spring day. It wasn't cold, it wasn't hot. It was just right. AH! I love spring!
Veronica is so pretty.
Meanwhile, since it is spring break, I decided to switch rooms. Well, switch back into my old room. Back when I was still in that room, I was in transition from tomboy, to normal girl. I decided to take a big step and paint my room bright yellow, put flowers on my valences, and put in pink and green curtains. It really didn't help me become more girly. In fact, the colors annoyed me. So I moved into the other room.
We repainted the walls a much lighter yellow. Don't know why I stuck with yellow, I guess it reminds me of the sun. We are not done yet, sadly. I guess I am the type who likes to get things done fast. Here are some progress pictures.
(Well, the flowers and curtains are still there. The walls are different though.)

I don't know if you can see the contrast. The darker yellow is what it was, the lighter yellow is what it is now.

We also decided to paint the dresser. We started out with red, but it reminded me of McDonalds. So we painted it blue.

I can't wait till all of this is done. I will post finished pictures when it is done. Which I hope will be soon.
And just for good measure, I LOVE SPRING!
Why did the red dresser remind of of McDonalds? I do like it better blue, though. I also like the other room improvements. I like the bare carpet with nothing on it. HEE HEE.
Red and yellow are McDonalds colors. It also reminds me of ketchup and mustard. Which then reminds me of hotdogs.
No kidding--I've never seen that room empty before! Can't wait to see the final results.
Way to have a BEAUTIFUL ROOM!!!
I can't wait to see it all finished!!!:)
keep up your amazing work
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