Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Every year my school holds something called Reflections. It is where kids in our school get to enter something they have done in the Fine Arts. So me and my friend Veronica (who is in fact, a fabulous artist) decided that I would take a picture of me dancing (using the self timer) and enter it, then she would draw it and enter it.
So we went into my brother's and sister-in-laws basement, which we made into a dance studio, and took pictures. It was really fun! Even though I am enormously sore.

Hee hee. Veronica was really grossed out when I did the splits.

Oof, ow, ouch. I'm going to go hobble my way to bed now. See ya!


The Yoder's Five said...

WOW Meg! When did you all of a sudden become such a fabulous dancer/poser? These pictures are awesome! I can't decide which is my favorite. The last 6 are all especially good.

Carolina mama said...

It's amazing what you can do with a camera, a self-timer, a tripod, and one beautiful, lithe dancer. You're so talented!

Wanda said...

that is amazing!!! thats prety tallented to take pictures of your self while danceing

Megan said...

Wanda, now you know what it looks like to go en pointe. It hurts, but it makes you look very grateful. You should show Jacob this, it would be interesting to know what he thinks about dancing on your toes. What do you think?