Today, I was in a particularly serious mood. In English we had to write a poem about being unconquerable, so with me being in a serious mood and all, I decided to write my own poem (not about being unconquerable). So, in all my classes whenever I had some free time, I worked on my poem. I just barely finished it a few minutes ago. The paper below is my scratch paper.
With my hair wound tightly 'round my head,
with my ribbons neatly tied.
While my feet do intricate footwork,
across the floor I glide.
The music swirls around me,
it fills my sunlit soul.
While with practiced ease,
I rise up on my toes.
I have learned to ignore the pain,
my emotions fill my mind.
The sweat trickles down my face,
While the music gathers speed.
As I spin across the floor,
the music slowly quiets.
The blur of my feet slows with time.
While I the dancer,
ya when I try to do poems they don't work out. Oh well not my thing I guess. But that was AWESOME! See I told you, you are good at every thing :D
Psh. The last few lines don't even rhyme. Guess what. This whole week and all next week, I don't have ballet. So call me whenever. It took me seriously all day to write that poem. Usually my poems are like:
My eyes are brown
I don't like to frown.
I go into town
when somebody drowns.
Yeah. Pretty intense stuff.
You could be a beatnik. Do you wear turtlenecks and black socks with your sandals?
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