Sunday, February 26, 2012

Wait, what?

Yes, I'm still alive. Here's the picture to prove it.

Have I ever mentioned that I'm busy? I'm pretty sure that I have. I don't think I've ever been so busy in my life! Actually, the only reason that I'm posting something is because my dad has been bugging me for the last two months to do it. So I decided to stop procrastinating!
Let's see... what's happened since the last time I posted...

Oh yeah, here's something.

I auditioned AND got accepted into the Ballet West Summer Intensive dance program! Just change the 2011 to 2012 and it'll be accurate. I'll be up north for a month during the summer dancing my heart out! I'm so excited, but I'm very very nervous at the same time. This is kind of a huge step for me!

And........ That's all that's happened.

My high school Preference dance is this Saturday.

This was last year's ticket. Veronica and I got to go because we were on the planning committee for it. Since we didn't have dates, we got to be mimes (Paris = mimes). It was actually a lot of fun. I think we had more fun than most of the couples there!  This year I actually have a date! I guess I'll post pictures about it after the dance. The theme is so awesome, but I can't say anything about it!

I don't know who actually reads my blog, but whoever does, I promise I'll post more.
Pinky promise.

1 comment:

The Yoder's Five said...

So excited that you're going to ballet camp! And if you don't immediately post Preference pictures (once you have some to post...) then I'm going to call and pester you till you do.

Pretty pic of you and Veronica! :D