Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Before I start ranting,

Now that you've read an inspirational quote in spaced out capital letters, let me rant in spaced out capital letters.

L A T E  W O R K  D U E  D A T E S  C A N  G O  D I E  I N  A  H O L E.

Whew. Glad I got that out. This whole week is just, grrr.

End of level testing
Due dates for homework
Ballet rehearsals
More ballet rehearsals
Final exams
Ballet performance
Remembering my pointe dance
More stuff

So basically everything inconvenient in the world has been laid upon my shoulders.  That's alright, I can handle it. But I just might be consuming all the chocolate in the house.

and take a picture.

1 comment:

The Yoder's Five said...

That's a pretty picture of you!! Finals week(s) are always like that. So glad I don't have to deal with them anymore!