Cue the upbeat music and backup dancers.
I can't believe it! This school year went by so fast, it's ridiculous. Bring on the sleeping in fest!
On the other bright side, I will never have to take Spanish again! You have no idea how happy that makes me. Whenever I laid awake at night worrying, it was because of Spanish. Whenever I was stressed out to my maximum, it was because of Spanish. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the language, but the classes were a living heck.
YIPEE! School is over!
I drove with an instructor for the first time today. Let's just say that I can't wait to finish the driving. I want to get it over with as soon as I can. It is so nerve wracking! Sheesh.
To celebrate the end of school, we did yearbook signing. The yearbooks this year were... busy. Busy, busy, busy. You could hardly read anything that they had on the page. It was as if they were going wild with all the stuff offered on the yearbook program.
'Hey! That's cool, let's put it on the page 10 times!'
And my dad scoffed at the bad quality of the pictures. But it was fun! Then, when I got home, I ran outside in my bare feet and took pictures of flowers. Then I roamed the neighborhood looking for more flowers I could stick my camera into.
And also,
My lovely sister is 23!
(Wait, do you want me telling them your age? It's not old!)
You are such an awesome and beautiful sister!
To find the lovely and talented photographer who took this picture, click here.