Yeah I know, it's a dumb post title.
These are our fall flowers. The day of the equinox (I didn't realize it was the equinox at the time though.) I went outside and got knee deep in plants and started taking pictures. Why is it that yellow flowers never come out looking good? They always have sort of a grayish tint to them. It is so annoying. The only yellow flowers that come out as successful pictures are sunflowers.
I have decided that if I ever went on a mission, I would want to go to Ireland. I have always wanted speak Gaelic. Ah... I love that language. Maybe that's why I've been listening to Celtic Women a lot lately. I've gotten a lot of the words down, even though I have no idea what they mean.
Hurricane has a lot of school spirit. We played Pineview tonight for their Homecoming... which was a bad choice on their part. We slaughtered them. I guess slaughtered is too harsh a word. Lets just say that we REALLY beat them. Anyway, their stands were pretty full, but the guest side where Hurricane was sitting was jam packed. We were all wearing our red Tiger Army shirts with painted faces. It was pretty fun and I bet I'm going to be hoarse in the morning from all that cheering. 27-7 baby.

My cat and I just had a staring contest. It was pretty intense. She won, of course. You got to admit, it is a bit unnerving to have a cat's golden eyes staring at you. Actually, she didn't win, she blinked a lot. But I was too scared to announce triumph, so I just let those blinks go and went on with it until she looked away. I guess cat vs. human staring contests are what you do when you are dead tired.
Do you remember that one post that I did where I was mourning the end of season 2 of Merlin? Well, after NINE MONTHS, Merlin has come back! I was so happy and checked every hour to see if it was on the internet yet. It only plays in Europe so I have to wait until it come out online. AH! Merlin! Also, Bones has come back. I wasn't too happy about the premiere, but I think this season is going to be good. Brennan HAS to figure out her love for Booth sooner or later. I'm sensing that it will happen in this season.
I am really random in my posts. I don't really have anything vitally important to tell you... I'm hungry. That's about all the news I have at this moment. Oh yeah, tomorrow we start Flower rehearsals... yippee. I will be dead tired by the end of tomorrow.
I seriously can't wait for October. I don't know why, but I think it will be a good month. I can just feel it. Ew... I smell like Pineview. I must now go scrub myself with a whole bottle of body wash.
Goodbye, good luck, and good riddance.
Gorgeous photos. I also love you Nephi's the B.O.M. widget.
You're funny Meg. You're probably going to marry someone from Pine View so it's best to get over the school rivalry stuff. I married Monica from Dixie High, which i didn't like in High School.
Go Tigers!
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