That's right people, it was a THOUSAND degrees outside.
Just kidding. But it did get up to about 115 degrees. I'm so glad it's not humid here, that would be heck.
I am just going to keep on doing these little random posts until I get the pictures from the farm. WANDA.
I am finally starting to get used to the school. I don't feel AS small as I did a few days ago. People are definitely more eccentric there. The food is good (ish), the halls are crowded, and cheerleaders do not walk around in their uniforms all the time like they do in movies.
I have an issue with these cups. At school if you even say black, people accuse you of being racist. My friend Veronica is Hispanic and has brown skin. So every time she would come over, I would give her the clear cup in case she thought I was being racist by giving her the brown cup. I told her this one time and she laughed. Hey, I was just being careful. Now, I make sure to switch it up now and then. I give her the brown cup sometimes.
And... I am still waiting for the pictures. WANDA.
I must go now and TRY to finish cleaning my room.
You are funny. We laughed out loud at your posting.
It was 81 degrees INSIDE???????? What's the matter--don't you know how to turn on the A/C??????? BLAH!
Post pictures of Veronica's quinceanera while you're waiting!
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