This is my first dress! I did pretty good on it for my first try. I doesn't fit very well, but hey, it was my first time.

This is my second dress. Its better made (although in the picture it's wrinkled) and it fits much better. I made it shorter, my first one was a bit too long.

This isn't my first skirt, but its my first skirt that I made without a pattern. I just thought of it in my mind and put it into the fabric. Is that how you would say it? It didn't turn out how I was planning, but it turned out pretty good for not having a pattern.

Yeah, that big red line under the first button is a mess up. I was too lazy to change the thread. Just think of it as "Megan's trademark".

I still have a lot more skirts to make! In fact, I just made one.
Sneak peeks


Made without a pattern. That's the way I like to do it. It doesn't really hang right in the pictures, but dang it is cute! My sister Maria and I hung out for a day and did some sewing together. I found this fabric at Ace (Or is it Hurst? I don't know). It basically called to me. But, it was a stinkin' ELEVEN dollars a yard! I bought it anyway. I'm sure Maria was getting annoyed at my muttering to myself as I sewed it. Hey, I have to think it out and it comes out as words!

I am going to make some more skirts, probably of the same design. I shall post pictures!
Your new skirt is really cute, and as pretty as the other things you've made.
Nice job Meg. Everything looks really good.
Make me something!!!! You're better at sewing clothes than I am.
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