Last day of ballet, yippee! I'm sad that I won't be dancing anymore, but I'm excited for the break. Tonight was my last end of the year performance. I think we did so much better on todays dances than we did yesterday. I was pretty happy. My dad was able to take some pictures of my pointe rehearsal.

We don't have our costumes on now, and our pointe shoe ribbons were painted black. Our costume was basically all black except for a few sparkles here and there.
Of course my parents came to the show.

And my two friends Veronica and Wanda came! They came to my Nutcracker performance too. They are so supportive.
I feel as if a weight has been lifted off my chest. Only three more days of school, no more ballet... I'm pretty happy. Now I don't have to worry if I accidentally get milk into my body. I can be as sick as I please and no grades will go down!
I might be doing a couple of dance classes this summer. I am planning on doing tap and performance group next year. I don't know how hard tap is. I hope its pretty easy. I don't want to be messing up everywhere. And I think performance group will be really fun.
We are officially moved out of our house! As of yesterday. We finally got our computers over here so we don't have to walk back and forth. Now I can finally start adjusting to living here and putting stuff away.
Well, I feel like I've been doing a post everyday. It feels weird. I think I will go back to doing every few days. I don't expect to do another one for a least a week. Just so you know. Unless something really great happens.
Nighty night!
P.S. I watch a lot of T.V shows. The season finale of Castle frustrated me. The season finale of Bones frustrated me. And the season finale of Legend of the Seeker left me satisfied. I need Merlin to come back! Not until September...
Wow that was really fast!
But Megan I can't help but notice that in your post you said nothing about how Fantastically AMAZING you were in ALL your dances!!! It was a lot of fun to be there and watch the Megan in action;) The whole time me and veronica kept saying how watch your performance made us want to do something like that and be amazing:) Well if you can't tell I thought you were FANTASTIC! But I am SOOOO Glad you are done now you can come to YW and soooo much more :)
Oh ya Um... It is 1000% NOT okay for you to get sick! :)
You did such a great job! And you look really pretty with all that makeup caked on. I liked your first dance with the blue and yellow costumes.
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