Yesterday I decided it was high time I decorated the tree. So I put up all the stuff, turned off the lights and got ready to "ahhh". But the tree looked so drab with just plain colored lights. So I came up with a fantastic idea: Just color the lights on your own! So I did just that. I happened to have some Sharpies laying around, so I took an hour or two and hand colored all of the lights. The tree looks much better now.

Sweet success. I even did the back lights. I figured that if we use those lights again next year, and they are positioned differently, I didn't want to have to get the Sharpies out again.
This is a little tree in our living room that I did. My mom bought a whole bunch of measuring spoons and we attached ribbons to them. Viola, ornaments.
Now here are some pictures that I took a while ago.
No, it did not get so cold that everything froze up. We just happened to accidentely leave our sprinklers on that night. It made everything look like a winter wonderland! But it also made everything die very fast.
Our cherry tree leaves.
And that is what has been going on :) Now, if you will scroll down, you find find a whole other post.
Nice looking tree and photos.
...Or you could have just used colored lights in the first place, or strung them over the white ones. But whatever. No one will have a tree quite like yours!
We didn't have colored lights. And dad is against going to the store to buy some when you have like 5 boxes of plain colored ones. Sigh...
WOW! there is dedication for you way to make your tree beautiful :)
Thanks for making our house beautiful and for capturing the beauty outside our house.
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