Wednesday, October 21, 2009


So every year the PTA hosts this thing called Reflections. It is where kids in our school can enter things that they have done such as photography, drawings, music, poems, and all that sort of stuff. Well, every year they have a theme. This year was Beauty is... and you were supposed to fill in that last bit on what your opinion of beauty is. So I decided to enter my ballet self portrait. And tonight they told us what we got. And guess what!
Award of Excellence!
My picture is going to State!


The Mursets said...

Awesome! You are so beautiful! Good luck at State!!!!

Wanda said...

THAT IS AWESOME!!!! way to go Megan. good luck :)

The Yoder's Five said...

Good job, Meg! I want your legwarmers. And your flexibility.

Project Maniac said...

Congratulations. That is so exciting. I saw your picture when it was up in the case at school and got really excited that you won.