Heaven's Army Nearby Doing Service (H.A.N.D.S) was our theme this year for Youth Conference. Our stake went up to Salt Lake City and stayed in the Olympic Village for 3 days. It was so fun! Even though our schedule was really dumb. We had to wake up at 6 a.m and our bed time was midnight. Weird huh? And they cram packed our days so there was never time to sit down and just take a breather. But it was fun! Oh yes, the pictures are a little mixed around due to the confusing things that you have to do to get them in order.
The essentials of life. Just kidding they gave us these at when we had our fireside at Temple Square. But, no really, the For the Strength of Youth book is a good thing to have!
My ward in front of the Salt Lake Temple after doing Baptisms for the Dead. It was so cool being able to do them in the Salt Lake Temple!

And last but not least, my good friend Michelle's eye! She has contacts that make her eyes blue. Her real eye color is brown. And I just thought that was a cool picture. Hard to take because the bus was bouncing up and down.
I shall tell you more about Youth Conference later. It is late and my mom is telling me to get off the computer...
I shall tell you more about Youth Conference later. It is late and my mom is telling me to get off the computer...
I am so glad you went to youth conference, Meg. From what you've told us and shown us, you had a wonderful, uplifting time. Your photos are fabulous.
Nice pictures. It looks like you had a great time.
Cool blog, Meg. I'll have to add you to my list!
Man Megan, you are a really good photographer. I love your pictures. Take care of yourself. Brooke Lewis
thats awesome those pictures are relly good. cant wat to see you again talk to you later
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