Sunday, June 28, 2009


Heaven's Army Nearby Doing Service (H.A.N.D.S) was our theme this year for Youth Conference. Our stake went up to Salt Lake City and stayed in the Olympic Village for 3 days. It was so fun! Even though our schedule was really dumb. We had to wake up at 6 a.m and our bed time was midnight. Weird huh? And they cram packed our days so there was never time to sit down and just take a breather. But it was fun! Oh yes, the pictures are a little mixed around due to the confusing things that you have to do to get them in order.
Waiting for our bus.
My dearest friend Wanda :)

Me... waiting to leave. (Our bus came late)
On the road. You can see my reflection.

Oh yeah.

This was our fabulous food that they served us at the cafeteria that was by the Olympic Village.

This kid fell asleep on the bus and I just had to take a picture of him.

My fabulous bus! It even had a little bathroom in back!

This is the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. We went to it's open house. It is so beautiful inside!

The essentials of life. Just kidding they gave us these at when we had our fireside at Temple Square. But, no really, the For the Strength of Youth book is a good thing to have!

My ward in front of the Salt Lake Temple after doing Baptisms for the Dead. It was so cool being able to do them in the Salt Lake Temple!
And these are my temple pictures. Ah, so beautiful!

Me in front of the temple.
And last but not least, my good friend Michelle's eye! She has contacts that make her eyes blue. Her real eye color is brown. And I just thought that was a cool picture. Hard to take because the bus was bouncing up and down.

I shall tell you more about Youth Conference later. It is late and my mom is telling me to get off the computer...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Well! Not many things have happened since my last post, but I am going to tell you about them anyway.
Before my sister's wedding I had cut of 10 inches off my hair. When my friend Veronica (above) saw it she fell in love with it and wanted it that short too! So yesterday she came over and we went on a bike ride. We rode all the way over to Julie's Hair and Nails, but when we got there they said that they didn't have any room. So we had rode a mile dripping with sweat for them to tell us that they didn't have room. So we went over to a little hair place by the dollar store and they whisked her away in a about 5 seconds and they started cutting! They cut off 8 inches. That is her with her new haircut.
Two weeks ago it was Girls Camp! It was so fun and the weather was perfect! Unlike last year. It had rained and snowed on us and us Beehives had our tent collapse on us. But this year it was perfect! This picture is from last year. I am the one in front biting my friend's arm.

Now on to what this blog is (almost) all about!

I love taking pictures!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I'm going through a phase...

I am going to take you through a time-line to show what phases I went through in picture taking. The picture above is the first picture I took that I tried to make look good. Me and my friends dressed up their little sister to look like a bride. We humorously call this picture, Child Bride. She was only 3 years old.

Then I went on to people-sitting-in-trees pictures. This one is of her sister. That is our favorite tree she is sitting in.

Then I went on to take pictures of house fires. Not really, this fire happened very near our house. It was right near the city park, so I ran over there and stood on a picnic table and took pictures of it.

Then I went on to my current phase: Flowers. My sister's boyfriend gave her these for... I can't remember what.

Then I got the opportunity to take bridals for that same sister. She is so pretty! Her wedding was 2 weeks ago.

Well wasn't that a thrilling ride! J
ust kidding. I wanted to show you my type of picture taking. Plus I don't really have any new pictures to show you. So I might be showing you pictures that I have taken over the past year. I hope you like them!


Yippee! I finally started my own blog!

Well hello! My name is Megan and I am 14 years old. I love photography almost as much as I love dancing.

I just have to clarify that in addition to this being a photography blog it will sometimes be just like a regular blog. I wanted to name it just plain Simply Delightful, but my mom said it sounded like a food blog. Besides, I am guessing mostly all I will be putting on here will be pictures.

I have to warn you, almost all of my pictures will be of flowers. Sometimes there might be a little change in scenery. Anyways, now that I have given you all you need to know, I will now go and decorate my blog.