Friday, February 19, 2010

Springy. Not as in a bouncy kind of spring, more of a fresh flowery spring.

I decided to do a timeline of the finally blooming daffodils. It took all my willpower to not post pictures of them too soon.

I cannot wait until more flowers bloom and everything turns green. Bare trees and brown grass make me frown.

Ah... Fresh.

I am tired. Seems I am always tired. But thats probably because of my tendency to go to bed late. I'm trying to go to bed earlier, really I am. This darn no dairy diet is making me as limp as a wet noodle. July... that month better come soon. I'm counting the days.

Speaking of things that aren't going to happen in a long time, my favorite show Merlin won't be coming back until September. The second season ended in November some time. Such a long time... It is the best TV show series I have ever seen.

My mom and I went to go and see the production of Swan Lake at the Cox on Wednesday. It was so good! It took me forever to relax and actually enjoy it. I kept noticing every little flaw in their dancing. Such as, when I caught someone holding their foot wrong, I would zero in on them and watch them the whole time. It was frustrating. I finally said to myself: You know, I can barely even do half of what they are doing, so let them be!

Anyway, I was watching a TV channel called V-me, and it had another production of Swan Lake. It was the best Swan Lake I have ever seen. Literally. Gillian Murphy, the ballerina who dances Odette/Odile, is a beautiful dancer. It's amazing to watch her. I don't know how to put links on here, but if you go to YouTube and type in: Gillian Murphy Swan Lake, the first two links will say this:

Gillian Murphy- Swan Lake- Black Swan

Swan Lake Pas D'action Gillian Murphy

Click on those and watch them! They are amazing. And if you want to be even more amazed, watch the finale of that same production. (Even though they commit suicide at the end, it is still beautiful.)

I couldn't decided what pictures I liked better, so I put them all on.

Odile (Black Swan) pretending to be Odette. In Swan Lake she is best known for the (and might I say amazing) 32 fouettes in a row. I think Gillian Murphy does them the best, she even added a few extra turns in between. As I said, she is an amazing dancer.

If you want the technical definition of a fouette, look below.

A turn made by using a fouetté. For each turn the dancer stands momentarily on flat foot and in plié, as the working leg is extended in fourth position en l'air (or à la hauteur) front then whipped around to the side as the working foot is pulled in to touch behind the supporting knee. That creates the impetus to spin one turn as the dancer executes a relevé, rising onto pointe. Done properly, the dancer remains in place. The famous 32 continuous fouettés in the coda of the "Black Swan" Pas de Deux from Swan Lake are a bravura performance designed to express the strength and triumph of the character.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

My new and improved diet.

My words when I tasted soy yogurt:

"Its strong!"

"I guess I could get used to it. Maybe."

"Tastes like cheap wedding food."

I must admit, this new diet is taking some time to get used to. I haven't tried the rice yogurt yet, I can't say I am eager to. But I must say, the soy ice cream is yummy, but I can't eat just ice cream. I have been starting to figure out what tastes good and what does not. Like:

1. Even though I don't like soy milk, it tastes good with cereal. It also looks more satisfying.

2. Herb popcorn tastes just as good as buttery popcorn. Even when it includes things like: onion, garlic, celery, mushroom, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, tomato, carrot, parsley, black pepper, cumin, rosemary, basil, and paprika.

3. Do not even try vegan cheese.

4. If you get past the strong nutty taste, chocolate almond milk actually does taste like chocolate milk.

5. I can have rice crispy treats! And Oreos!

I hope that after a few weeks I will be able to find out things that I like. So far I have been eating a lot of hard rolls and saltines.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Sigh... is exactly how I feel. If I could put my feelings in one word right now, it would be sigh...
I don't know why I feel like that right now. Maybe its because my head hurts, maybe its because this gloomy and rainy weather is getting me down, maybe its because my quilting fabric hasn't come in the mail yet, maybe its because I can't wait to see the last episode of Emma on PBS tomorrow, or maybe its because I'm cold. I don't know what it is.

OR maybe it is because I put a Swan Lake Ballet dvd on our queue on Netflix and it hasn't come yet, leaving me to listen longingly to the music and thinking how much I would like to dance Odette and Odile, only to remember that I cannot do foutes, let alone 32.

Maybe it is because I cannot for the life of me think of anything to put on my blog. Or maybe it is because I have run out of books to read. Maybe it is because the only socks I could find today are purple, which when paired with green shoes remind me not so fondly of Barney.

Maybe it is because there are no flowers to take pictures of yet, maybe it is because I can't stand the site of trees without leaves, maybe it is because my favorite show Merlin, won't be coming back on until September. Maybe it is because this months issue of Consumer Reports failed to have funny blooper ads on the last page of the magazine.

Maybe it is because the new Facebook page confuses me, maybe it is because the new Raisin Bran we got tastes like wood. Maybe it is because my Foods teacher just had her baby and now she is going to be gone for six weeks, leaving us with a substitute. Maybe it is because of all the ruckus the machines outside are making as they work on the road.

I don't know what it is.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I was looking through our mounds of pictures today and I found a picture taken 4 years ago that looked almost exactly like one taken just last year! Same place even. I thought it was pretty cool.

