~I have decided to include at least one word from the thesaurus in my posts.

Once upon a time I bought a pattern and navy blue fabric. I was going to make a dress. I put off cutting it out for a long time. I finally cut it out, and then put off making it for a long time.
I finally made it yesterday after a spurt of inspiration: If I make it, then I won't have to worry about it anymore!
What a great idea. I was determined to start it and finish it that night. I started it at 6pm and finished it at the grand time of 1:00am. I think I did a pretty good job on it, considering it was my first dress. I am going to make another better one later.
My machine. We got it for $15.00 from a guy who owns storage units. After a lot of oil and banging around, we finally got it to stop making funny noises.
The skirt portion all pinned up. I didn't think to take progress pictures until I was almost finished. Oh well.

Gotta love my red shoes.